Get your first detailed look at 6 of 11 new Famiglias and skills that will be competing against each other to become the Supreme Mafia Family!
The Police
The police are the “good” force in the new world of Mafia controlled restaurants, bars and clubs. Naturally, they are arch-rivals of all mafia Famiglias.
Frees cells quite successfully
Not able to do sidequests
All Mafia Famiglias
The Yardies
The Yardies are usually of small and agile stature, which means that they’re particularly good at taking on miscellaneous Mafia jobs. The Yardies’ arch-rivals are the Banditovs, due to a failed takeover plot by the Russian giant.
More points for completing Phonebooth sidequests
Less successful takeovers in urban areas (cities, towns)
The Banditovs
The Maras
The Maras are known for their gang tattoos, which means that they also favour the Art Forger Quest. The Maras gang’s arch-rivals are the Flaites, on account of overlapping territory, which the two groups constantly jostle over.
More points for successfully creating an art forgery
Less successful takeovers when there is a bank or hospital in the Cell
The Flaites
The Flaites
The Flaites attract some of the most powerful Mafiosi in Gbanga. They are a ferocious group, which doesn’t mind going in and showing their strength. Their arch-rivals are the “local” Maras.
More points when taking-over Gbanga Cells
Less successful takeovers when it is windy
The Takeshi
The Takeshi share a penchant for tattoos and the Art Forger Quest, matching that of the Maras. The Miamians are their arch-rivals for no other reason than a contrasting gang culture.
Extremely successful takeovers when it’s raining
Extremely weak takeovers when it’s not raining
To Miamians
The Banditovs
The Banditov Family has influence and members all over the world. Always pushing to extend the range of their territory, it attracts members with a passion for discovering new Gbanga Cells. Thinking they could outsmart, and overthrow the smaller Yardie gang led to the development of heightened rivalry between the two groups.
Takes over Cells on the first takeover attempt
More points for discovering new Gbanga Cells
Weaker when temperature is over 20 degrees
The Yardies
Stay tuned, the next 5 families will be revealed next week.