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Dear Gbanga community!

We’re sorry for the trouble the new server is creating. Two weeks ago, we have switched to a new version of the server that should eventually make the server faster. As you might have expected, during the transition phase, the server crashes and needs to restart. So, there were some outages.

Slow server situation is going to improve

We’re working hard on bug fixes on the server-side. Please understand that server-infrastructure is quite a difficult matter and needs some time to be solved. Your patience is very much appreciated.

Bugs on the server we are aware of and want to fix within the next 10 days:

  • Repeating Cell discoveries of previously already discovered Cells. We will revert the wrongly discovered Cells and your placed infrastructures will reappear.
  • Regular server outages.

An updated iPhone app

At the same time, we are testing the updated iPhone app that will be released in the next 10 days as well (it is in review by Apple).

3-dimensional Cell view in updated iPhone version

3-dimensional Cell view in updated iPhone version

Features are:

  • Images are cached in a smart way and speed up the experience dramatically.
  • The design has been improved to be more Mafia-style.
  • In Cell View, you have a handy shortcut menu to pick up items in a faster way.
  • You can share your scores on the iPhone Game Center.
  • The Famiglia Boss is at the top of the list.
  • The Cell has a 3-dimensional zoom.
  • And many other small improvements…

Our small team appreciates your patience

We hope to have the app accepted really soon as we know it is tricky to use at the moment. However, we hope you can support us in this tricky situation.

Gbanga Famiglia is continuously improved and is not going to be shut down! As a very small team, we do not have infinite capacities to work faster on many things. Besides this, our other projects like Pilotifant, PAX Packer and kept us very busy. So some issues take time to be solved by our programmers.

Thanks for your understanding and continuous support,

The Gbanga team

Matthias is founder and CEO of Gbanga and a believer in the mixed-reality genre. He tweets on @babalunda and instagrams.

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We are the serious games agency Gbanga. As a specialist for gamification games and playful experiences, Gbanga implements games for contract customers. We would love to work with you on your next game!